Look at all these buff artists that feature on this week’s podcast episode. Photos and bios below. Cassette Tape Radio is out now on all good platforms babes

ZIA AHMED is a poet and playwright from North West London. He was shortlisted for Young Poet Laureate for London 2015/16 and is a former Roundhouse Poetry Slam champion. His plays include I Wanna Be Yours (Paines Plough & Tamasha, 2019).

LISA LUXX is a queer writer, performer, essayist and activist of British Syrian heritage. Published in journals, newspapers and anthologies internationally, she has also been broadcast on channels such as BBC Radio 4, VICE TV, TEDx, and ITV. One of Diva Magazine’s ‘top four poets to look out for’.

JACKIE HAGAN is a multi award-winning poet, playwright and performer who has most recently written and acted for BBC Four and BBC America. In 2018 she became a Jerwood Compton Poetry Fellow and was nominated for a Women of the World award for effecting social change using spoken word.

AMINA JAMA is a Somali-British writer. An alumna of Barbican Young Poets, member of Octavia Poetry Collective, co-host of Boxedin, Amina has began her career when joining BYP at age 17. Since, she has completed residencies and performed internationally with Speaking Volumes, as well as commissioned by the likes of BBC, Nationwide, The Queens Gallery, Buckingham Palace and the London Mayor’s Office. Her work often explores displacement, dual cultural identity and family and has been published in numerous anthologies. Her Somali heritage plays an integral part of her art and she finds her ancestry guides her writing and her journey.

CHERYL DOLE aka DAVID CUMMING is a multi-award-winning, horse-toothed show-off who has a knack for making theatre that people actually want to watch. An actor, writer, director and musician, David specialises in shows that break the mould, smashing comedy, drama and music together to create work that is ‘full of energy, wit, fun, anger and…joy’ (The Times). His ability to wrench pathos out of the darkest corners of the funhouse worlds he conjures’ (The Stage) keeps audiences coming back for more and critics regularly reaching for that 5th star. With his most recent work making The Guardian’s Top 10 Theatre Shows list two years running – Frankenstein: How to Make a Monster in 2018 and Operation Mincemeat in 2019 – David is fast making a name for himself as an innovator in his field.

THE REPEAT BEAT POET aka PETER DEGRAFT-JOHNSON (PJ) is a regular modern day renaissance man. PJ is a journalist, student, tea-drinker, lyricist, artist, and hip-hop enthusiast. His love for rap and poetry, from Lauryn Hill to Ginsberg, shows in his delivery, charged with soulful intention and rhythm.

Hailing from a London council estate, TALIA RANDALL began her artistic career as a ‘participant’ in various community schemes. She found her voice at the revered Roundhouse Poetry Collective in 2009. She’s since performed her own writing on major poetry, theatre and comedy stages including Roundhouse, Wales Millennium Centre, Bristol Old Vic, Glastonbury and The Edinburgh Fringe. She often acts the chaotic clown on stage but once you scratch the surface you’ll find work that is political, personal and provocative. Talia is the creator and host of riotous live shows including ‘What Words Are Ours?’ – a BSL interpreted poetry knees-up, which showcases D/deaf and hearing artists. She also runs ‘Cassette Tape Radio’ a poetry, music and comedy podcast.