incrEDIBLE Poetry


Words are more than just symbols on paper; they are physical.

When someone speaks bad news it eats you inside. When someone reciprocates your love it’s delicious.

Credit: Mike Massaro

incrEDIBLE poetry invites you to taste words, literally. Using a little confectionary and a lot of imagination incrEDIBLE poetry is a fun filled workshop that shows you how to make poetry, then eat it. The workshop is suitable for big kids and little kids alike!

​incrEDIBLE poetry has been shared (and eaten) at schools, festivals and poetry events across the UK including Poetry Parnassus at the Southbank Centre.

​incrEDIBLE poetry can be adapted to suit the individual requirements of your event, be it an outdoor festival, an art exhibition or a private workshop. If you’d like to find out more please get in touch.