Helping artists build their toolkit

In summer 2019 we launched the first year of ‘Talia Randall Studio Lab’, a project designed to support other artists to get their voices heard and get their work funded

In the first round of the lab we’ve been working with Reece Lyons, Kirk-Ann Roberts and Chloë Florence.

These artists have been working with me and my producer Emilie Labourey across several areas: demystifying the funding process, practical support on booking a tour, early dramaturgical support and general producing consultancy.

We’ve also provided space at my company studio in London.

Generously supported by Arts Council England and in partnership with the Roundhouse, this project is all about sharing information, doing our best to level the playing field and trying to demystify ‘the arts dahling’. I’m not positioning myself as an ‘expert’, what I’m trying to do is share information and things that have helped me along the way – there is no point in ‘secret’ knowledge being hoarded.

In the first round of projects we approached artists whose work is rooted in spoken word but who work across genres. We felt this was where myself and Emilie could help. The first round of the Studio Lab is now over but get in touch if you’re interested in working together on this in the future, either as an artist, partner venue or funder.